«In the future imagination could be a labor abandoned by human beings» began a reflective female voice. “Falsely viewed as a job requiring unnecessary and unscientific efforts. Creating one’s own future would be a task left to the omnipresent robotic screens. Invention and desire would have been exchanged for instant stimulus. People will not be able to communicate with their own thoughts without resorting to the mini screens installed on the edge of their left eyes”.
An effective means of moving forward for those who wake up to this technological nightmare is the application of the exercises comprised in a booklet called Artemutación which is distributed clandestinely from hand to hand, and whose origin comes from organized resistance. In this booklet are valuable techniques for self-discovery and transformation through creativity.
The only way to escape would be by joining a resistance group called Maquis. With whom one can learn the arts of skydiving to finally jump away from the flying cities, that have lost contact with the Earth.
I have to accept it: however rudimentary the old aesthetics of that software seemed, its narrative had seduced me. I could no longer think about the class I would give the next day.
I glimpsed out the window because there was a somewhat vanishing shape that contrasted with the black of the night. It seemed to be falling gently through the air. It is a balloon that someone may have lost; I thought.
I clicked the mouse again. The next screen gave a choice between two options
Suddenly the cat that had come into my room, jumped to the windowsill and stared down with eyes wide open, like crazy. I stood up and looked out. In the street there was a white cloth falling down, suspended gently by the ramines of air between it and the ground. Something like arms moved under, trying to fold it.
A head and it’s a body with a tight backpack, emerged from the cloth. I soon realized that it was a paratrooper. The first thing that came into my mind is that he was a military man who had landed here as part of a bigger attack against the drug cartel. I looked to the sides expecting to see the enemy ready to shoot him down.
This is going to turn a big mess; I thought.
The military man turned to see me. «He discovered me!» I thought. My first reaction was to go hide, but then he yelled: «Amadeo!»
How does he know my name?
-Amadeo don’t you recognize me? I shook my head.
-The program you have on your computer was what triggered my trip from Ulan Bator to here.
-I do not remember you. I don’t know you, «I answered.» Who are you?
-I’m Hipólito. Come help me fold my parachute before people see me.
I went down and helped him pick up his parachute.
«Quick, let’s go inside,» Hipolito ordered.
He entered the apartment as if he already knew it.
Hi, Milou.
-Do you know the cat? I have no idea where it came from.
–Inmemory, he said.
I winced.
-Inmemory -he said again firmly: everything we remember we do in order to tell ourselves what is convenient either for our growth or for the growth of the ego.
But … What is the ego if it is not me? I thought. Which made me remember something that one of my spiritual teachers, Facundo Cabral, said:
“Good feeds itself, evil destroys itself”
He gently took me by the shoulder and led me into the room. He pointed at the screen and said:
1 comentario en «Chris Marker or Hippolyte’s visit.»
Thanks for sharring this